Just thought of having some scribbling exercise after a band-aid and no its not a balladry as one expects from me but it’s just a reality check for the Gen-X which forms the major chunk of a country. I am myself a part of it so the kinship is obvious. I sometimes wonder, what is the outlook of a youngster? Is it about having Kingfisher in one hand and Gold-Flake in the other or is it about having opportunities in one hand and their re-percussive results in the other? The primer defines the real and the latter defines the ideal.
Take a look at this scenario:
Guy1: The new Megan Fox calendar is out, I read in TOI.
Guy2: Did you read the latest in 2G Scam? That framed the headline in TOI today.
Guy1: Dude, I don’t know much but it seems Megan Fox is definitely sexier than the 2G scam.
Common scenario, huh? Over the years I have figured out that it is the Tequila shots that define puberty rather than sense, strange but true. If you don’t booze and fag at 20, you are supposed to be malnourished and there are still some nerves in you which are not aligned in their place. Speedy cars with loud music: forming some reminiscence? Well you are indifferent and so am I.
The sad part is that I am also a member of the same nomad crowd, vision less and digressed; but who is to be blamed, “me” or “we”? I suppose a mixture of both. But amidst the crowd, there are a few whose LED s grow brighter than the others and who initiate a change, they foresee something bright and frame their path.
“Political leaders are good for nothing” is a common statement used by the young breed, but who is to lay the plans to change it? Who is to form the India of tomorrow? Who is to make India a superpower? Well the answer is certainly not written as a statutory warning on a beer bottle, neither is it inscribed on a cigarette pack. Open the cerebral lid and think beyond, India needs you.
Waiting for all the dislikes…common.!
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